Packed with powerful insights, tools, and practices, 
this book is a potent resource for everyone!

Money doesn’t buy happiness (or anything else of soul import) but it does provide options for us here on this planet – so there are many reasons to earn and use the tool of money wisely. However, the main purpose of this book seeks to take us back to the foundations of who we are, why we’re here, what our missions are, and to invest in building our internal core before we concern ourselves with external manifestations.

In fact most of us are really disoriented by money and finances. I call this Myth-oriented instead of disoriented, though, because so much of our disorientation comes from daily myths driven from outside sources that really don’t know who we are and what our challenges and experiences are. To honestly and openly figure out what are the myths and masks in our lives, we need to reclaim the art of listening to both ourselves and to those around us.

If we continue to ignore personal financial stewardship, then we remain stuck in the same loop that seems comfortable but is actually damaging…stuck listening to a world that tells us we are financially incapable and need latest product or someone else’s program to be saved. However, if we choose to move into the stewardship and apply our attention first, then we gain the real balance, integrity, and sustenance we seek.


There are three primary reasons I was compelled to offer this guide and its ideas to a wider audience:

1. I seek to be part of the process for healing the fear and misinformation of how we often view and handle the area of finances in our lives.

2. I am engaged to raise the awareness of why financial stewardship is a vital part of our lives and how it very much affects many other areas such as relationships, health, lifestyle, raising children, leaving a legacy, and supporting all our intentions and purpose.

3. I am charged to be a catalyst for people to empower themselves in this area and consequently gain greater power and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Individually and collectively we are at a critical point where we must address financial stewardship and adjust our intentions and actions if we are to create a longer term, more rewarding life for ourselves, our planet, and our future generations - which may well include us personally again in a different earth role, so there’s extra motivation right there!.  I believe strongly in our ability to heal and dream positive, expanding visions into future reality.  However, existing energy draining behaviors of pessimism, entitlement, abdicating responsibility, short-term focuses, and similar responses from many surrounding their financial awareness will continue to derail our current and future lives individually and as a whole unless we step up and change these patterns.  The time for a dramatic shift is right now.

“Laurie is an extreme professional and is very forthcoming with innovative ideas and qualifies her recommendations so you’re not wondering why. Proven experience in all facets she represents.”
  ~ Business owner 
"From the wise and gentle perspective of Laurie Bonser, financial management is not something we do, but an expression of all that we want to be. Invoking the principles of financial stewardship, she offers healing and thoughtful advice on how to infuse our approach to money with our deepest-held values and hopes for ourselves and those we love. This is a guide not to be read once and shelved, but to be kept near to our sides and hearts for regular inspiration and reflection."
~Eleanor Blayney, CFP®, Consumer Advocate, CFP Board
President, Directions for Women

"In a world where financial institutions appear to have stacked the deck against much of the population, Laurie has written a book on how to achieve financial success as defined by each reader's own perspective rather than that of those who want people to fear the basic ideas of finance. Laurie presents a holistic guide to being comfortable and in control of your finances. Think of it as a meditative, organic approach to financial management and..." ~ Bryan Scott Larkin
Personal and Business Transformation Consultant

"This book is a very encouraging book to move you forward to take charge of the different aspects of your financial situation. It has a very positive, motivating tone that encourages you face your issues whatever they maybe and takes steps to be proactive in getting your financial live back on track. This book has many resources that I will be referring to in the years to come. Financial advise and explanations, books she references (that I will be following up to read) and words of advice/wisdom that can be read again and again when I need that motivation to keep on track with my financial plans.​" ~ Raschelle Smith

“Laurie is passionate about her profession. She is never short on quick tips to help a client manage or navigate an issue. Her long-term experience as a planner is unmistakable given her depth of knowledge on any given topic.” ~ CFP colleague

Laurie Bonser details how to transform our thinking to comprehensively focus on all our resources and to create the abundance mindset that will make each of us truly rich! In Financial Stewardship she creates a simple approach to overcome our fears and encumbrances which stop us from truly valuing ourselves and gives us the steps to transform our dreams into an abundant reality. This book is truly a gift, thank you Laurie.   ~ Diane Weklar, CEO, Weklar Business Institute
Author, #1Bestseller, Mastering the Money Maze: 10 Secrets to Winning Business Financing

'This is a little different than the typical "how to" book for good financial health. It merges information and personal well being as a basis for financial decisions in a way that I found honest and grounding. The 44 words/message deck in the center of the book are thought- provoking and I plan to go back to them again and again. A fast and accessible read that offers surprising depth for those looking to think a little more about what they want before rushing off to take action. ' ~ L. Jasper

'Your book is such a gem. Thank you for your wisdom and new thoughts; I'm going to be sharing this with my whole family this weekend." ~ S. Miller